Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

StatEs of MAtteR

The characteristics of a SOLID :
1. The positions of particles are close, in a   regular
pattern and vibrate in their places.
2. The intermolecular force between particles is strong.
3. Volume is constant (fixed).
4. Shape is constant (fixed).

The characteristics of a LIQUID :
    1. The distance between particles is loose so that the
         intermolecular force is weak.
    2. The shape always changing depends on its
3. Volume is constant (fixed).

The characteristics of a GAS :
1.   The distance between particles is very loose, so that their particles move freely in every direction (randomly).
2.  The intermolecular force between particles is extremely weak so that gases always fill up space.
3.   The shape and volume are always changing because the intermolecular force among the particles is extremely weak.
4. Volume of a gas can be compressed so that it is able to expand and shrink.

The SMALLEST of a solids, liquids, and gases :
At low temperatures, the smallest of their are exists in the form of atoms. A positive nucleus is surrounded by electrons. Each atom as a whole is neutral.

   The smallest from solid, liquid and gas is atom. Whereas, the differentiating between they are density of its particles (atom density = kerapatan atom). Look at the figure bellow :

Further to the right then the higher temperature so that the distance between the atomic particles loose and eventually atoms split into positive and negative ions move freely.

The characteristics of a PLASMA :
1.    Plasma occurs at very high temperatures.
2. If a gas is heated to a high temperature, some of the electrons come off the atom, resulting in a mixture of free electrons and positive ions. Plasma is a mixture of free electrons and positive ions.

Awan Pekat adalah contoh dari PLASMA karena ion positif dan negatif telah bergerak bebas. Salah satu bukti ion negatif bebas adalah terlepasnya petir ke bumi. Petir adalah muatan negatif (elektron).

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2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

pak, link downloadnya mana?

tuna aksara mengatakan...

makasiih paakk..

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